
about the guide

Embrace the Beauty of France through the Eyes of a Passionate Local Guide 

Picture this: A sun-kissed vineyard, the scent of grapes hanging heavy in the air, and a glass of exquisite French wine in your hand. Your journey begins with me, a born-and-bred Virginian, who returned to the enchanting land of France, the very soil where my ancestors tread. After a decade in the United States, I couldn't resist the magnetic allure of my homeland any longer. 

Armed with a degree from the prestigious ESSEC Business School, I embarked on a slow and soulful exploration into the captivating world of wine. Every day, I delved deeper into the art of wine growing and winemaking, savoring every drop and cherishing each grape's story. I began sharing my evolving expertise through a blog and a captivating YouTube channel, making wine appreciation accessible to all. 

But that wasn't enough; I needed to immerse myself in the very essence of French viticulture. So, I rolled up my sleeves and harvested the fruits of my passion, dedicating myself to the pursuit of excellence. I took my knowledge to the next level by obtaining certifications, including the coveted WSET Levels 1, 2, and 3, sealing my commitment and love for the world of wine.


Professional expert on the regions of France.
CEO Wine Geometry

For me, being French means more than just a nationality; it's a calling to be an ambassador of our rich culture. After seven remarkable years abroad, I couldn't resist the pull of home any longer. With unwavering passion, I became a wine guide, ready to share the treasures of France with travelers from all corners of the globe. 

I proudly earned my License as a certified tour guide in France, specializing in Art history and furniture history, ensuring a well-rounded perspective for your journey. But that's not all; I also acquired the equivalent of a "Taxi driver's license" to offer a unique, one-of-a-kind experience. This not only proves cost-effective, with just one guide for driving and guiding, but it also guarantees unparalleled flexibility in your itinerary. 

As we traverse the beautiful landscapes of France, we can stop wherever the heart desires, catering to your interests and desires. No more navigating unfamiliar roads or worrying about the logistics of the journey; sit back, relax, and indulge in the world of wine tasting, culture, and history that I am here to provide. 

Let me be your gateway to the heart and soul of France, an experienced guide who doesn't just show you the sights but allows you to feel the pulse of our magnificent country. Join me in an unforgettable exploration of France, where wine flows like poetry, history whispers in every cobblestone, and every vista promises to be your cherished memory.

Susan Bradley
Susan Bradley
Our three generational family, spent 6 days and nights touring France with Sylvain. He customized a tour that included Brittany, Normandy and Alsace regions to address our travel preferences. Sylvain’s knowledge of history, art, culture and wine, made for many interesting discussions as he prepared us for what we would experience at each upcoming location on our itinerary. His skills, as a tour operator are excellent, he is always prepared, detail-oriented and speaks many languages. However, it is his personality and character that set him apart. He is genuinely excited for the experiences he is creating for his guests. With kindness and sensitivity he addressed the needs of our group with ages ranging from 18 months to 60ish grandparents. The opportunity to customize our travel experience, adapt as you go and have flexibility, made our vacation a huge success! Highly Recommend! This won’t be our last time traveling with him!
Glenn Beaudet
Glenn Beaudet
De l’Alsace en traversant la Bourgogne, faire un détour vers la Loire, pour rejoindre les domaines Bordelais, Sylvain connait parfaitement les vins de France. Il a toujours su choisir avec précision les cépages en fonction des plats et autres mets qui les accompagnent. Je recommande son expertise, à tel point que je n’hésite pas à lui demander encore conseil avant de rentrer dans une cave à vin !
Tatiana Gitsalova
Tatiana Gitsalova
Really great experience with Sylvain ! He is very knowledgeable guide, who knows all about vine but also about his region, history and culture ! We had really great time, thank you ☺️
franck bagnariol
franck bagnariol
Nous avons fait appel à Sylvain pour nous accompagner sur une soirée dégustation entre amis à la maison, sa bonne humeur et sa gentillesse ont complété son professionalisme oenonogique a ttes épreuves, il a su nous embarquer avec lui dans sa passion des vins, il en a bluffé plus d'un avec ses vieux millesimes de Loire, bref, belle soirée que nous renouvellerons sans aucuns doutes
Erica Middleton
Erica Middleton
Sylvain is exceptionally talented at looking after us and guiding. I can't praise him enough. Great planning before we met, lots of communication. Every aspect of our holiday was facilitated by him, and no problem if we wanted to change anything whilst out. Sylvain is very knowledgeable, but you can choose how much information he tells you. Jumping in his car is so quick and easy compared with joining a huge coach trip where there is a lot of waiting and controlling. Plus lots of interesting conversations en route. We felt so free and relaxed. I am an undergraduate tutor, used to dealing with groups myself, so from me all this is high praise. I strongly recommend him, worth every pound!!
Xéric du Bois Tesselin
Xéric du Bois Tesselin
J'ai pu apprécier les services de Wine Geometry lors de plusieurs dégustations de vins. Sylvain nous fait voyager et nous partage sa passion avec professionnalisme et talent. Que ce soit pour - être conseillé sur les meilleurs accords Mets & Vins, - partager un bon moment entre amis en toute simplicité autour d'une belle dégustation, - choisir le vin qui vous conviendra le mieux, - faire un petit cadeau sympa - ou trouver des bouteilles d'exception vous vous tourner vers Wine Geometry et leur faire confiance les yeux fermés Vous serez conseillé par un passionné, pro et convivial, qui démystifie le vin et le rend accessible aux amateurs comme aux fins connaisseurs.👍
Maelle Le Gloahec
Maelle Le Gloahec
J'ai fait appel à Sylvain pour surprendre mon mari lors de son anniversaire avec un super assortiment de vin !! Avec son expertise et sa passion du bon vin, il a été de très bon conseils. On en a pris plein les papilles 😉 Mon mari était ravis et moi aussi. Tout ca livrés chez moi en Allemagne très rapidement !!
Renaud Tasset
Renaud Tasset
Sylvain bravo, j'ai acheté plusieurs fois du vin, Un grand professionnel de trés bon conseils, des produits de qualité avec des prix plus que raisonnable. A conseiller fortement, un passionné à l'écoute et ultra sympathique.
Jessica Townsend
Jessica Townsend
Our time in the Loire would not have been the same without having met Sylvain and benefitting from his expert knowledge and connections in the area. My partner being in the wine trade was very keen to tour the area’s wineries and Sylvain tailored the perfect program every time. We enjoyed our first tour so much, we hired him whenever we had guests come to stay. He was also brilliant with our dog and ensured Buddy could join us on all the winery visits and lunches. He’s professional, charismatic and fun to spend the day with! He also speaks fluent English, French and Russian. We’ve done similar tours in other countries but our time with Sylvain stands out. We also had the pleasure of seeing his property in Blois where he and his lovely wife run a bed and breakfast at great value in a fantastic location too. You won’t regret spending your time in the Loire with Sylvain.

Book an unforgettable trip to France like you've never seen before!

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Tours to the most interesting places in France. They include everything to give you a real France experience. Fall in love with France again. Picturesque places, ancient castles, tasting the best wines of the region. Comfortable. Professionally. Unforgettable.

our tours:

Loire Valley

5 days

€1499 per person


4 days

€1299 per person


4 days

€1299 per person


5 days

€1499 per person

Champagne & Alsace

5 days

€1499 per person

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